World Book Day - Fancy Dress as book characters
Tim Harkins
/ Categories: News
Friday 3rd March
World Book Day - Fancy Dress 
On Friday 3rd March we are celebrating World B
ook Day as a whole School. We would love your child to come dressed as a character from their favourite book. This could be a children’s book from their earlier experience with reading, a novel, short story, or a graphic novel/comic that they have enjoyed more recently. Creativity and effort could mean Kingston cup points will be awarded for their outfit.
The teachers and departments will be involved too. I hear rumours of Hobbits and Che
shire cats all through the corridors…
We want to have a fun day celebrating reading and books in general. There will be competitions running on the day for even more points towards the Kingston Cup. Please help your child and do whatever you can. There is no pressure to spend lots of money, just a little bit of creative thinking, and, above all, a bit of fun. We are very much looking forward to seeing what outfits our students have come up with. (It is non school uniform day)
Shoreham Academy Literacy Team