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Our Values


All homework is set on Firefly, our VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) as well as being written in planners where appropriate. There is an app for students which allows them to receive notification of when homework is set. Parents can also download this app and ask their son/daughter to login on their device if they want reminders of when homework is set and messages sent to their child.

Click here for links to download the app. School Code is 'shoreham'

All new parents will receive a letter in September outlining how they can access the son/daughter's homework through the new Firefly Parent Portal. Students will continue to write any homework set in their planners. As you know students who fail to complete their homework are set detentions. We are not looking to change this in new academic year but will be moving to a centralised system that will simplify the process for students and parents. When homework is not submitted or completed to an
appropriate standard, a one-hour detention will be set the same day. If homework is not submitted on more than one occasion, then a two-hour Friday detention will be set. 

To complete homework effectively students will benefit from a table or desk to work at and quiet time away from other distractions. Homework club is also open to students after school and there are spaces to work in such as the library during lunchtime. Teachers are also very happy to talk to students individually if unclear. With your support, we are confident that there will be no need for students to complete sanctions for missing or incomplete homework


Homework Per Week

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9


60 Mins

60 Mins

60 Mins


60 Mins

60 Mins

60 Mins


30 Mins

45 Mins

45 Mins


45 Mins

30 Mins

30 Mins


30 Mins

30 Mins

30 Mins

* Geography, History, RS

Reading homework  — reading each week until they achieve 300 Sparks reader Points.

Revision – will be set as homework in advance of assessments; timeline to be advised.

Homework Per Week

Year 10

Year 11


60 Min

60 Min


60 Min

60 Min


60 Min

60 Min


60 Min

60 Min

Revision and independent study is set in addition to homework.

Year 11 - 13 hours of study each week; this includes the homework set by teachers and independent study time.

Year 10/11 Religion and Worldviews – 60 MIN every second week












Key Stage 5 Subjects

Year 12

Year 13

  • Homework should be set regularly each half term. The frequency will vary and will depend upon the nature of the homework set. 
  • As a point of guidance students should also be completing 4 hours of independent studies to support subject learning. This could be preparing revision materials, working through lesson notes, adding to lesson notes through research – advise and guide and/or preparing for lesson or follow up on lesson learning.
  • Marking -  any significant homework/s that require bespoke feedback should be marked and returned within 10 working days.
  • Homework should be challenging and substantial  - e.g. research, project based, exam questions, developing extended writing skills, visiting a museum and presenting the findings.