Exam Certificates Summer 2023
Unfortunately, we are no longer able to post certificates home, therefore Students who sat an exam at Shoreham Academy during the Summer 2023 must collect their certificate from reception during opening hours (8:30-4pm, Monday to Friday term-time) from Wednesday 6th December 2023.
Replacement certificates are expensive, and your child will need to show them to universities and future employers – please ensure they collect them. We can only hold onto certificates for 12 months, after which they will be securely destroyed.
Your child may nominate someone else to collect their certificate, however this must be done beforehand using the following email info@shoreham-academy.org. The nominated collector will be required to show ID before we can release the certificate.
Exam Board info for Year 11

Parent Tips on how to help your child revise effectively
There are lots of different techniques for revising, so it is best to try a variety and see what works for your child, here are some tips to get you started…
- Make time – in our busy lives it can be hard to find regular chunks of time to focus on revision, trying to build it into a routine around clubs and other commitments can help.
- Start revising early (months before the exam).
- Help them to create a revision timetable – this will help them plan their time.
- Create a study space that is quiet, has good lighting and space.
- Keep their phones and other distractions away – turn it off and lock it away in a draw.
- Sleep and eat properly - Sleep is more important than your child imagines — it helps their brain store all the information they've learned throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods will also boost their concentration.
- Speak to your child’s teachers to confirm the topics they should be revising and which exam boards they are using.
- Suggest they complete practice papers and questions; you can often find sample papers on exam boards websites.
- Ask them to write notes, create flash cards and read revision guides. Get involved by offering to test them.