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Our Values

Applying to University

At Shoreham Academy we pride ourselves on the personal attention and high level of assistance given to our applicants in the run up to their university applications.

Beginning their Higher Education research early in year 12, with the support of their mentors, students make use of online resources such as Unifrog to increase awareness of their personal strengths and preferences as well as the opportunities available to them.

In Spring all level 3 year 12 students attend the Sussex UCAS Exhibition and follow up sessions assist with the narrowing down of course and university choices. In summer the focus is on writing that all- important personal statement and the opportunity to gain valuable skills from high-quality work experience placements and summer schools.

Through our APEX Co-ordinator, Billy Wood, we are able to offer 1:1 guidance and support for those students aiming for highly competitive courses and universities while, as part of the United Learning academy group, we also benefit from an Oxbridge Co-ordinator who specialises in assisting those students, who are interested and suitably able. Potential medical and dentistry students also benefit from interview practice with a local GP, who is a member of the Brighton and Sussex Medical School admissions panel.

Our UCAS Co-ordinator, Anne Hopkins, is (nearly) always available in the Study Room to offer advice and help students with their UCAS applications.

Parents and carers can follow the link to access the 2024 UCAS Parent, Guardian, and Carer Guide to everything you need to support your child with their higher education choices.


University and Post-18 Information Evening

Recording Live Event from 13 07 2021

Interative University Fair

Our interactive University Fair is open to 3 year groups, including year 12. The guided resources are designed to support students to have meaningful and supportive conversations with the university ambassadors in attendance and support them to reflect on their personal important factors when choosing a university. Our careers lead will be on hand during the day and for year-round drop ins to support with conversations surrounding higher education. 

Shoreham Sixth Form Guide to Applying to University

Applying to Oxbridge, Medicine or Veterinary Schools

Applying to Oxbridge 

The application process for Oxbridge 

The application process for Oxbridge — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Cambridge open days  

Oxford open days  

Oxbridge interview support  

Oxbridge interview support  — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Churchill College, Cambridge Q&A session videos from the 2020 Open Days 

Churchill College, Cambridge Q&A session videos from the 2020 Open Days — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Making a strong Cambridge application 

Making a strong Cambridge Application — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Oxbridge interview support  

Oxbridge interview support  — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

United Learning Oxbridge webinar 

Super curricular learning 

Yr 12 Super Curricular Learning — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Admission tests 

Admission Tests — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Applying to Oxford & Cambridge - Pembroke College Admission Tutors 

Presentation by Churchill College's Admission Tutors -  'Applying to Oxford & Cambridge'  — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Cambridge subject masterclasses 

Downing College subject masterclasses 

Downing College Subject webinars recordings  — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

St Catharine's College (Oxford) and Brasenose College (Cambridge) Taster Lectures 

Downing College Yr 12 enhanced open days 

Managing wellbeing while applying to University 

Managing wellbeing while applying to University — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 


Applying to Medical School 

Making an application to medical school 

Making an application to Medical school — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

UK medical schools 

UK Medical Schools — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Types of Medical courses 

Course types — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Entry requirements for Medical school 

Entry requirements for medical schools 2023 — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Admission Tests 

Admission tests — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

BMAT preparation materials 

BMAT preparation materials — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

UCAT preparation materials 

UCAT Preparation materials — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Medical school work experience 

Medical School personal statements — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Brighton and Sussex  medical school virtual work experience 

Virtual Work Experience - Medicine — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Medical school personal statements 

Medical School personal statements — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Medical school interviews 

Medical school interviews — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Multiple Mini Interviews 

Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs) — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Shoreham Academy GP mentoring scheme 


BSMS Newsletters 

Links to Student BSMS Student newsletters — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

BrightMed and BrightIdeas 



Applying to Dentistry 

Types of Dentistry courses 

Course types — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Entry requirements for Dentistry 

Entry requirements for Dentistry — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Differences between dental schools 

Differences between dental schools — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

UCAS for dentistry 

UCAS for Dentistry — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Personal statements for dentistry 

Personal Statements for Dentistry — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Admission tests for dentistry 

Admission Tests for Dentistry — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Interviews for dentistry 

Interviews for Dentistry — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Work Experience for Dentistry 

Work Experience for Dentistry — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 


Applying for Veterinary Science 

Types of Veterinary Science courses 

Type of Veterinary Science courses — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Entry requirements for Veterinary Science 

Entry requirements for Veterinary Science — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Personal Statements for Veterinary Science 

Personal statements for Veterinary science — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Admission tests for Veterinary Science 

Admission tests for Veterinary Science — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Interviews for Veterinary Science 

Admission tests for Veterinary Science — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Work Experience fo Veterinary Science 

Interviews for Veterinary Science — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 


Personal Statements 

Writing your personal statement from scratch 

Writing your personal statement from scratch — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Refining your personal statement 

Refining your Personal Statement — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Structuring your personal statement 

Structuring your Oxbridge Personal Statement — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 

Science personal statement workshop with St Catherine's College 

Sciences personal statement online workshop — Shoreham Academy (fireflycloud.net) 


University Q & A

University Q & A - Cost

University Q & A How long are the term times at University?

University Q & A Open Days

University Q & A - Personal Statement

University Q & A - Does social background affect chances?

University Q & A - Why did you choose yours?

Case Studies & Testimonials

As a student at Shoreham Academy 6th Form, I was able to pursue a wide range of interests, studying for A levels in maths, physics, English and 3D design. I was part of both a close academic and social community, which enabled me to not only enjoy my subjects and work towards qualifications, but also gave me opportunities to develop skills through extra-curricular experiences, such as designing and leading an educational project. The 6th Form provided great assistance with applying to university and helped me on my way to getting an offer from the University of Oxford where I am currently reading Earth Sciences, a subject where I learn about the entirety of the Earth’s system, from atmospheric physics to oceanic chemistry and more than everything in-between! I thoroughly enjoy all aspects of my course; I work in a fantastic department in Oxford and travel to stunning locations for applied fieldwork study.


Matt Randall