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Our Values

SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities)

DIRECTOR OF INCLUSION - Mrs M Edwards medwards@shoreham-academy.org  

SENCO - Mrs H Phillips hphillips@shoreham-academy.org 

Click here to see our latest SEND Policy (Including link to the Local Offer) 

Click Here for our current SEND Info Report 

Click Here for our SEND 101 Leaflet 

Click Here for our graduated approach to SEND 

Click Here for our Accessibilty Plan 

The Inclusion and Learning Support department at Shoreham Academy is committed to the principles of equality and inclusion. The inclusion team are dedicated to supporting students with SEND:

  • Shoreham Academy aims to enable our students with special educational needs to reach their full potential.
  • We aim to provide for any SEND students by identifying their needs and utilising resources and strategies where appropriate. Such interventions are part of a “graduated approach” as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice of 2014.
  • Central to the work of every class and every subject is a continuous cycle of planning, teaching, assessment, and evaluation that takes account of the wide range of abilities, aptitudes, and interests of the students.
  • These interventions are additional to or different from those provided as part of the school’s usual differentiated curriculum.
  • This intervention is described as School Support.
  • Quality-first teaching is at the forefront of our student’s provision who are taught by staff regularly updated on SEND policy and practice.   
  • Please refer to our SEND policy (see above link) for more details.

Please click here to see our United Learning SEND Framework.

Inclusion Team Leadership Contacts

Complaints Procedures

Initially all complaints from parents or carers about their child’s provision is made to the Director of Inclusion who will follow this up with the relevant staff. However, if a parent or carer is not satisfied with the response given please see, the Complaints Policy