The Local Governing Body (LGB) enables independent, advisory oversight of the activities and direction of the school. It has delegated responsibilities from the United Learning Group Board, who retain overall responsibility for governance. The LGB provides guidance and support and acts as a ‘critical friend’ offering challenge when appropriate. It is responsible for reviewing and ratifying that policies at school level align within the agreed UL's policy framework.
Members of the LGB have a broad range of skills, experience, expertise and interests and all of its members share the common purpose of working to help achieve the school’s ambitions and realise its aspirations. The aim is to ensure pupils’ experience is the broadest and most rewarding and that this leads to encouraging the ‘Best in Everyone’.
For effective working, the LGB spreads its work between two working groups. The Resources Sub-group and Student Focus Sub-group. This enables the most efficient and appropriate discussion to take place in these groups which then report into the main LGB during the term.
There are designated governors for Safeguarding, SEND and Finance & Health & Safety. A function of the LGB is to have involvement in the appointment of the Principal and senior leaders.
The LGB Chair is Mrs Kay Haffenden and she can be contacted via email on
For further information or enquiries about the LGB please contact Clerk to the Governors Vicki Pearson