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Our Values

Parking & Safety

We are continuing in our efforts to try and improve the parking situation around the academy as well as other safety issues such as drop off/pick up times and cycle safety. If you have any additional information that may be useful to us in improving road safety and ensuring local residents are not inconvenienced by the academy's operations, please contact us. Details on how to do this are listed below.

Shoreham Academy - Traffic Management Plan 2023 Click Here


We try and maintain good relationships with all local residents around the academy and will follow up and support on issues where we can. Some of the problems that occur around the campus are beyond our control, but we will try and support positive solutions and influence students, parents and out of hours users of the campus to respect local residents. As police are no longer able to support with officers and traffic wardens there are new ways to try and help you resolve parking issues. We have recently received advice from Sussex Police on how residents and parents can report dangerous and inappropriate parking.

  • If you witness dangerous or inconsiderate parking, the first point of call is the local Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) provided by Adur and Worthing councils. Guidance Document
  • If vehicles are causing an obstruction, then the Police should be contacted by the person who is being obstructed via 101 and they will attend and enforce if necessary.
  • If a driver is parking inconsiderately /causing an obstruction or using their vehicle in an anti-social manner, then Operation Crackdown http://www.sussex.police.uk/contact-us/report-online/ should be contacted, and they will make contact with the driver responsible.

We have been advised that schools should not act as a conduit for complaints from members of the public about driver behaviour that are beyond our control. In these circumstances, please refer that person to call the police via 101 or contact Operation Crackdown themselves.

Inappropriate Road Use

If you witness any driving or cycling which is dangerous or inappropriate  on the roads around the academy then please contact the Safer Communities team. This can be used by any member of the public and covers any anti-social road use including cycling. The more information the team have the easier it is for them to take action to improve safety. Their email address is safer.communities@adur-worthing.gov.uk


Drop Off / Pick Up Times

We encourage all students to take the safest, healthiest and most environmentally friendly methods of transport to school. When near enough walking and cycling would be recommended and the academy provides a number of secured cycle areas for students. Students can access the campus either from the main Kingston Road entrance or through the back pedestrian entrance in Stoney Lane.

Where through distance, weather or circumstances travelling by car is sometimes required to transport students to/from school, we strongly encourage our parents to take extra care when dropping off/picking up at the academy. Kingston lane is better suited for pick up/drop offs having wider lanes, school safety zone lights, pedestrian crossing and better road marking. We also have the layby which allows for parents to come off Kingston Lane to drop in a safer environment. Please drop this side of the academy where you can. It's important that you do not park inappropriately while waiting for your child as this can cause danger to other road users, cyclists and pedestrians.

Parents need to exercise great care when dropping off/picking up in Stoney Lane, it is not well suited for this and we are working with Adur and Worthing Council to see what options there are to improve the situation. This is likely to take a long time as many schools do not have the appropriate infrastructure. We have had a number of accidents and near misses in past few years, parents shoud not stop and drop off right outside the school on the school zone areas marked in yellow but find a safe space to drop their children even if its a little way up the road. We will continue to communicate this message throughout the year. Staff are on duty at front and rear of school at start/end of each school day and will focus on student safety but they can't direct traffic or challenge the general public on the highways. The contacts above in the parking section can also be used to notify the police of dangerous driving.

We strongly encourage all students to either walk, cycle or take public transport to school. If parents/carers are picking up their children form school can you please ensure you turn your engine off when your car is stationary or waiting in a queue. Higher levels of exhaust fumes can be harmful and we appreciate your support with keeping these to an absolute minimum.

Academy Contacts

Main Academy Email info@shoreham-academy.org

Business Director - Mr Tim Harkins

Behaviour & Safety Officer - Mr Joe Smith 


Cycling Safely

All year 7 students and all lower school students who cycle to school in years 8 to 11 attended cycle safety sessions during the last academic year. We encourage all students to wear safety helmets, use lights in poor visibility and at night and to cycle responsibly. If students are cycling inappropriately please report it to the academy and we will follow up where we can. We would also recommend that you report incidents to the council's Safer Communities Team.

If you witness any driving or cycling which is dangerous or inappropriate on the roads around the academy then please contact the Safer Communities team. This can be used by any member of the public and covers any anti-social road use, including cycling. The more information the team have the easier it is for them to take action to improve safety. The email address is safer.communities@adur-worthing.gov.uk