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Shoreham Academy Parents' Forum

At Shoreham Academy, we are committed to listening and responding to, the views and opinions of our parents/carers as we want to ensure that our parents/carers feel completely happy with their child's education and that their views and opinions are listened to and acted upon.

The Shoreham Academy Parent Forum meet once a term for about an hour. During the meeting, there are opportunities to discuss a variety of topics, to put forward ideas and suggestions, and to give feedback on new initiatives. 

We have started a new Parent Forum section within the Firefly Parent Portal, this contains all the minutes and presentations from the Parent Forum with details on how you can get further involved with certain topics and issues. 

Next Parent Forum will be in Autumn term 2024. 5th December 6-7pm 

November 2023 Parent Forum

23rd November 2023 6pm - Virtual Event

Hi, this term's parent forum was on Thursday 23rd November at 6pm and 7pm 

Our key discussion points were regarding PSHCE and update on wider school parent systems.

Thanks to those who attended the forum on Thursday evening, please find the link for the recording. Click Here

For the slides used Click Here


Shoreham Academy 

Parent Forum Minutes