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Staff Lists

Please click on following links to be taken to our staff Lists. You can click on the columns in each of the lists to filter these lists. Unfortunately due to a large increase in SPAM and emails with viruses we have had to remove staff email addresses from the website. Parents can find these now in Firefly in the Parents Section > Staff List

To email a member of staff take first letter of their forename + surname and add shoreham-academy.org 

John Doe = jdoe@shoreham-academy.org 

(firstname.surname@ john.doe@shoreham-academy.org will also work) 


Current Staff List



Job Description

Mr J Coupe


Mr T Harkins

Business Director

Ms H Hill

Senior Vice Principal

Miss V Penney

Senior Vice Principal

Mrs L Shelley

Vice Principal: Pastoral and Safeguarding

Mrs S Butler

Senior Assistant Principal

Mr K Felton

Senior Assistant Principal

Miss C Joyce

Assistant Principal Behaviour and Attendance

Miss K Elliott

Assistant Principal

Mr M Saunders

Senior Director of Data, Assessment and Reporting Data Protection Lead

Teaching Staff

Name Job Description
Mr J Albergaria Cover Teacher
Miss H Albuery Director Of Studies English
Ms C Allen Curriculum Leader for KS5 Maths
Miss S Allchin Teacher of Maths 
Miss F Ashley Curriculum and Learning Lead for Maths
Miss S Ballinger Director of Learning- Sapphire School
Mr B Barnicoat Teacher of Science
Mr J Benn Teacher of PE/SSCO
Ms R Bennis United Teaching - Teacher of French
Miss S Bishop Teacher of Art/6th Form APEX coordinator
Mrs S Bishop Casual Supply Teacher
Mr M Bowden Assistant SENCo
Mr A Bracey Director of Studies BTEC
Mrs H Brace Teacher of Science 
Miss S Brooks Head of Sixth Form
Mr D Butler Curriculum Leader French
Mr R Buttle Curriculum Leader KS5 Geography
Miss E Carrannante CL KS4/5 Food and CL KS3 Technology.
Ms C Chadwick Teacher of Science
Mrs F Chiles Curriculum Leader KS5 History
Mr J Clarke Head of PE
Miss M Clout Teacher of Dance
Mr L Conolly Teacher of PE
Mr J Davies Teacher of Maths
Dr J Devonport Teacher of Science
Mr J Edis Cover Teacher
Mr A Edwards Director of Learning - Gold School
Mrs A Emery United Teaching - DT
Mr H Finzel Teacher of Englsih
Miss M Foster Teacher of Performing Arts
Mr S Frimpon Director of Learning - Emerald School
Miss S Galletly Teacher of Health & Social Care & Childcare
Mr G Gilbert Teacher of Science
Mrs K Goodman CL KS5 English Retake and Functional Skills Coordinator
Miss A Gordon Art and Photography Technician
Ms P Graham Teacher of MFL
Ms L Graney Curriculum Leader - Drama (Maternity Cover)
Mrs M Gray Teacher of Latin
Mrs C Gregory Curriculum Leader PSHE 
Miss H Grimsley CL BTEC Sport (Mat Cover)
Mrs J Hanley Director of Learning Business Studies 
Mrs M Harding CL H&S and Child Development
Mrs J Hardy Teacher of Maths
Mr T Harries Cover Teacher
Mr B Herman Teacher of Science
Mr E Hill Teacher of PE
Mrs A Jackowska Director of Studies English
Mr A Jeffery Teacher of Geography
Mrs K Johnson CL KS4 Mathematics
Ms M Joseph Teacher of Maths 
Ms S Kerr Teacher of Mathematics
Miss S Knowlden Curriculum Leader of Core KS3/4 PE
Mr C Langan Head of Economics and Criminology
Ms E Locke Head of Media Studies 
Dr H Merchant Curriculum and Learning Lead for English
Miss X Mager Curriculum Leader of Art
Miss H Mandley Teacher of Science
Miss J McCaffrey Head of History.
Mr E McCue Teacher of Science
Mr M McKee Director of Studies/Science
Ms B McKiddie Teacher of SEND 
Mr P McMullen Teacher of English
Mr S Mehdi Teacher of Computer Science
Mrs M Messent Director of Studies for MFL/Humanities
Ms S Montanheiro Head of Geography
Ms R Morris Teacher of Health and Social Care
Miss K Motuel Teacher of PE
Miss S Mouland CL KS4 English
Mr D Mthunzi Curriculum Leader KS3 Maths
Mrs N Neal PE Technician and Cover
Mr R Nicholls Assistant Director of Science
Miss A Pardey Curriculum Leader KS3 French
Mr A Parkinson Teacher of Music/Drama/RS
Mr D Paterson Teacher of Maths
Mrs C Perry Director of Studies - Technology/ICT 
Mrs H Phillips SENCO
Mrs L Pittam Curriculum Leader Law
Mr C Powell DOS - Maths
Miss C Power Teacher of PE/Dance
Miss C Pugh KS3 Coordinator English
Mr S Pulling Director of Sport
Ms K Pulling Curriculum Leader Geography 
Miss J Reeve Curriculum Leader KS3 Science
Mrs M Reeves Teacher of ICT & Business
Miss M Roberts Curriculum Leader Ebacc
Miss A Robinson Curriculum Leader of Drama
Ms N Rodriguez Carracedo Teacher of French and Spanish
Mr J Rolfe Lead Practioner in Science
Miss S Salkeld Teacher of Maths
Mr B Sargeant Head of Social Sciences
Dr L Schafer Teacher of Science
Mrs J Sharp Specialist Literacy Teacher
Miss P Sheridan CL KS3 & KS4  ICT and Computing
Mrs B Silve Behaviour Room Manager 
Mr A Smith Pastoral Manager- GOLD
Mr M Smith CL Psychology 
Miss R Stephenson Teacher of French & Spanish
Mr T Stevens Curriculum Leader KS5 English 
Miss H Thompson Teacher of English
Mrs S Toe Teacher of Art and Photography
Mrs C Tweedy Maths Pupil Premium Intervention Lead
Miss L Uncles Curriculum Leader BTec Sport
Ms L Vary Teacher of English
Miss S Vincent Teacher of Technology
Mr J Voss Teacher of History
Mr J Wilkinson Teacher of Design and Technology and Graphics Coordinator
Mrs K Wilson Director of Studies - The Arts Faculty
Mrs A Witos-Richey Teacher of English
Mr B Wood Curriculum Leader KS3 History
Mr J Wrigley Whole School Literacy Lead.
Miss A Yardley Teacher of Humanities

Support Staff

Name Job Description
Miss C Ainsley Teaching Assistant
Mrs D Aitken Casual Exam Invigilator
Mrs L Allfrey Exam Invigilator
Mrs A Arlett Casual Invigilator
Ms B Armstrong English Intervention lead 
Mrs L Asbery Exam Invigilator
Mr A Baitup IT and Marketing Technician
Mr J Baker Teaching Assistant
Miss S Barfoot Teaching Assistant
Miss P Barwis Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Belgeonne Pastoral Manager
Mrs R Denyer Data and Exams Coordinator
Miss D Best Looked After Children (CWCF) Coordinator
Mr K Bown Teaching Assistant
Mrs N Bown Teaching Assistant
Miss K Briggs Senior Science Technician
Mr M Bukleeb Premises Officer
Mrs W Bukleeb Deputy Premises Manager
Mrs K Burcham Student Services Officer
Ms A Burrows EAL Advisory Teacher
Mrs S Byrne-Smith Receptionist
Mrs B Cartwright Education and Welfare Officer
Mrs T Catalan Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Carter Pastoral Manager- GOLD 
Miss L Catt Gateway Leader
Ms S Chadwick Casual Exam Invigilator
Mrs A Chambers Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Chapman KS5 Administrator and Sixth Form Pastoral Manager
Mrs A Chattell Teaching Assistant
Miss R Cheale Casual Dance Assistant
Mrs S Churchill Lead Teaching Assistant/ Mental Health First Aider
Ms C Claesson Admin & Timetable Officer 
Miss C Clark Pastoral Manager - EMERALD
Mr K Coburn Premises Manager
Ms M Colburn PA Vice Principals
Mrs C Comber Exam Invigilator
Miss R Cook Teaching Assistant
Mr P Costelloe Trainee Teacher of Geography
Mrs J Coulson Teaching Assistant
Ms S Cureton TEFL Tutor
Mrs S Davey Casual Invigilator
Miss N Davies Cover Supervisor
Mrs C Dunk Lead Teaching Assistant 
Mrs L Dunk Teaching Assistant
Mr B Edmonds Casual Exam Invigilator
Mrs M Edwards Director of Inclusion
Mrs C Egen Teaching Assistant
Mrs A Elliott ICT Technician
Mr E Benn Director of Alternative Provision 
Mrs K Fearnhead Teaching Assistant
Miss K Finn 6th Form Administrator/Attendance
Miss C Gilding Operational Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss N Gillam Teaching Assistant
Mrs A Graham Teaching Assistant
Miss J Green Casual Exam Invigilator
Mr G Griffiths Pastoral Manager
Mrs L Grossman Teaching Assistant EAL 
Mrs G Hall Casual Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Hills Casual Invigilator
Mrs J Hillyer Teaching Assistant
Mrs A Hopkins Sixth Form Study Manager
Miss E Hubbard Creative Communications Officer
Ms K Inglis Exam Invigilator
Miss R Johnson Librarian/Widening Participation Co-ordinator/AR programme
Mr A Jones Casual Exam Invigilator
Mrs A Kelso Teaching Assistant 
Mrs N Laid Receptionist 
Mrs J Leclercq Casual Exam Invigilator
Mr C Loosen Premises Officer
Miss S Lowell School Counsellor
Mr L Manyokole Science Technician
Miss C Marchant Teaching Assistant 
Miss N Marchant Teaching Assistant 
Mrs J Matthew Casual Invigilator
Mrs C McEwan Design and Technology Technician
Mrs G Molli Pastoral Manager - SAPPHIRE
Mr M Morris Senior IT Technician
Mrs L Newington Senior HR Officer
Mrs M Newman Careers Leader
Mrs P Nyang Teaching Assistant
Mr D O'Dell CLA Learning tutor 
Mr D O'Donnell Exam Invigilator
Mr S O'Shea Exam Invigilator
Mrs C Parkes SEN Administrator
Mrs V Pearson KS3 Administrator, PA to VP
Mrs R Pink Teaching Assistant
Mr W Powell Casual Invigilator
Mrs E Richardson PA and HR Support to the Principal
Mrs T Richardson Exam Invigilator
Mr D Riyami Pastoral Manager - SAPPHIRE
Mrs H Ross Teaching Assistant 
Mr M Sacree Community Liaison and Mental Health Consultant
Mrs N Said Teaching Assistant
Mrs J Salter Student Services Manager
Mrs S Saunders Teaching Assistant
Mr N Savage Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Shackleton Teaching Assistant
Miss C Shields Teaching Assistant
Mr C Skeates Casual Invigilator
Miss L Skinner Casual Exam Invigilator
Mrs T Slatter Teaching Assistant
Mr J Smith Behaviour and Safety Officer
Mrs L Smith Pastoral Manager - EMERALD
Mrs S Spence Finance Officer 
Mrs S Standen Casual Invigilator
Mrs K Strevens Receptionist and Lettings Coordinator
Mr I Swingler AYP 1:1 Tutor
Mr S Tabor Director of Pupil Premium
Miss F Taylor-Cooper Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Taylor Behaviour Room Manager
Mrs L Thaxter Attendance Officer
Mrs T Thomson ICT Services Manager
Miss S Townsend Food and Nutrition Technician
Mrs C Townsend Speech and Language Therapies Intervener.
Mr W Tromans Director of CPD & Professional tutor
Ms A Visser INCo and Access Arrangements Assessor
Mrs E Wallace Teaching Assistant 
Mr D Warner-Swann AYP 1:1 Tutor
Mrs E West Teaching Assistant
Mrs L Westgate Cover Coordinator
Mrs S Westoby Teaching Assistant 
Ms M Wilkins Bursar and EVC Coordinator
Miss A Wilsher Exam Invigilator
Mrs S Wood Casual Exam Invigilator
Mr A Wright AYP 1:1 Tutor
Mr G Ambrosio Teaching Assistant
Miss R Butwright Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Earl Exam Access Assessor
Mrs J Jarvis Teaching  Assistant
Mr K Weir Lead Teaching Assistant