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Teacher Strikes - Update for Parents

Tim Harkins / Categories: News

NEU Industrial Action Thursday 2nd March

PARENT UPDATE - Strike Action

The second day of planned strike action from the membership of the National Education Union (NEU) will take place on Thursday 2nd March. Our current understanding is that a significant number of colleagues will again be taking industrial action and we are thus planning for this accordingly. Our view, at present, is that we will be able to keep the school only partially open for some students on the  proposed strike day on Thursday 2nd March  with the following arrangements in place:

  • Year 7 – Online learning package from home
  • Year 8 – Online learning package from home
  • Year 9 - Online learning package from home
  • Year 10 - Online learning package from home
  • Year 11 – In school lessons and GCSE exam preparation (Some year 11s may have a slightly different day to usual but we have carefully planned the lessons to support students in preparing for their exams and it is vital that students attend as normal.)
  • Year 12 – Supervised study in school and some lessons
  • Year 13 - Supervised study in school and some lessons

This is the same offer that we were able to provide on the last strike day. Again, I apologise for any potential inconvenience this causes you, but we are doing everything we can to minimise the number of students impacted by the industrial action.

To support parents and students we are opening the school and will again have areas set up to support those students working through the online learning package in school. We know that the majority of parents will have the technology to support their child working from home on this day, however if you have any concerns about them working from home for technology or any other reason, please use the online form link in the letter sent to all parents on 23rd February below to request a place in school.  You can complete the form multiple times if you have more than one child at the school you are requesting spaces for. Students with additional needs can be supported by our inclusion team with their online package of work if they are in school.  Please request a space by 2pm on Monday 27th February so we can plan accordingly.

For students in school, they can bring in a packed lunch or access the canteen as normal at break and lunchtime. The form allows you to let us know if your child/children would like to have a meal in school on the strike days. For students in years 7 to 10 in receipt of free school meals not in school we will send separate message about arrangements.

As on the last strike day, an online learning package will be set for each student in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 on Firefly. It will consist of five one-hour online lessons each in a different subject. Students should try their best to replicate their normal school day, taking appropriate breaks as they work through the lessons. After they have completed all the tasks, students can mark their work as complete on Firefly. Students will receive achievement points and other rewards based on completion of the work. We were very impressed with student engagement last time with vast majority awarded achievement points.

It is unlikely that the industrial action will be called off, but if this were to happen, I will write to you to confirm that the school will be fully open.

If you have any questions or concerns about the alternative arrangements outlined above, please do contact the academy via info@shoreham-academy.org .

The next two days of notified strike action are Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March. We will again review our position after 2nd March strike day and if we are able to have more students in school next time, we will update parents at the time.

Thank you for your continued support of the school and your child’s education.

Jim Coupe



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