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GCSE Results 2019: Shoreham Academy

Tim Harkins / Categories: News

GCSE Results 2019: Shoreham Academy


School sees improvements once again, with percentage of students achieving higher level passes in both English and maths up on last year

GCSEs follow last week’s A Level success, with most Year 11s now going onto the school’s Sixth Form 

Today, students at Shoreham Academy are celebrating after achieving another excellent set of GCSEs – which once again show improvements on key measures. 

These results showed that 71% of students achieved five or more good passes (grade 4 or above) including English and maths at Shoreham Academy. 

There were also very strong results for the government’s Basics measure: three quarters of all students achieved a pass (grade 4 or above) in both English and maths at 74%. More students also achieved the higher level pass of 5 or above on the same measure – this went up to 52%. 

Alongside the whole-school achievements, there were also a number of particularly impressive individual results. This includes Rosie Day who achieved straight 9s in all her GCSEs. 

Rosie, who will be returning in September to study A Levels at Shoreham Academy’s Sixth From, said of her results: 

“I feel overwhelmed! I was expecting a 7 in Maths and I achieved a 9 instead.” 

Other students celebrating their results included:

  • Cameron Kinross, who achieved seven 9s, two 8s and a 7;
  • Ollie Panton, who achieved three 9s, four 8s and two 7s, and made the best progress across the year group;
  • Myla Winter, who achieved four 9s, five 8s and a 7;
  • Sadie Forshaw, who achieved four 9s and four 8s. 

Ollie Panton, who will also be joining the academy’s Sixth Form this autumn, said: “I feel so relieved and very surprised with my 9 in History.” 

Sadie Forshaw added she was “so happy” with her results.  

Victoria Penney, Vice Principal for Standards at the academy, said: “We want to congratulate all our Year 11s today on their fantastic achievements, which are the culmination of many years of hard work and dedication. They can all be proud that their efforts have paid off with some well-deserved results which signal very bright futures ahead.” 

Jim Coupe, Principal of Shoreham Academy, said: “Across our school, we are unapologetic about our ambitions for students and do all we can to bring out the very best in every one of them. On days like today, therefore, it is always a pleasure to see students achieving their academic potential and celebrating some excellent GCSE results. We are looking forward to welcoming the overwhelming majority of them back in September to build on these strong foundations at our Sixth Form, where I know they will continue to thrive and excel.”

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