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A-level results: Shoreham Academy

Tim Harkins / Categories: News, Sixth Form

A-level results: Shoreham Academy

A-level and BTEC students at Shoreham Academy celebrated their ‘brilliant’ results at the school.



Students secure places at top universities including Imperial College London, Kings College London, Southampton University and Sussex University 

Sixth Form students at Shoreham Academy are today celebrating another year of excellent results. Of all exams achieved by students graduating from Sixth Form, 43% were A* or A grades and 52% were between A* to B. An excellent 80% of students leaving the academy’s Sixth Form with A* to C grades across all entries. 

The Sixth Form has also seen some particularly notable individual successes, including: 

  • Tom Ellis, who will take up his place at Imperial College London to study chemistry after achieving an A* in Maths and Chemistry and an A in Physics; 
  • Taylor Reid, who will be going to the University of Sheffield to study micro-biology after achieving an A* in Maths and As in Chemistry and Biology;                                                                     
  • Hannah Martin, who achieved an A* in Dance and an A in English, and will be taking up a place at the Central School of Ballet in London to study a Performance Art Degree;
  • Holly Buss, who is going to study Nursing at Brighton University after achieving three Distinction* in Health & Social Care; 
  • Sam Murray, who will be going to the University of Southampton to study business management after achieving an A in Business, B in Economics and Distinction* in sports coaching; 
  • Rayhan Ahmed, who achieved A*s in Maths and Further Maths and an C in Economics and will be studying mathematics at Kings College London; 
  • Charlie Hawkins, who will study Shoreham Academies first the BA (Hons) Management [Degree Apprenticeship] at Anglia Ruskin University after achieving a distinction* in travel, a C in media and a D in Business 

Jim Coupe, Principal of Shoreham Academy, said: 

“I am incredibly proud of what our students have achieved during their time at Shoreham Academy. After seven years here, it is a real honour for us as staff to see their continued hard work, dedication and ambition paying off with some excellent results.

“As well as congratulating students, I would like to thank staff at the academy for the invaluable support, nurture and challenge they provide our students. We really do strive to draw out the individual talents and interests of every student, so I am pleased to see students excelling across a broad range of disciplines. We wish them all the best for what I know are bright futures ahead. ”

Kieran Felton, Head of Sixth Form, said:

“These students have achieved grades that they should feel very proud of. Once again, it is fantastic to see so many of our students taking up their places of choice at some of the top universities and higher education institutions in the country. Congratulations to them all – they can each take their next steps knowing that they have achieved their potential and that all their hard work was worthwhile.”


Further information is available on Shoreham Herald pages. 



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