The Academy's VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) is provided by Firefly.
The VLE is used to support student learning particularly when out of the classroom. It holds all key revision and learning information for students.
For details on all Shoreham Academy student and parent systems and guidance on logins, passwords etc please use these files on the Firefly parent portal page, for student systems please click here. For details on parent systems and logins please click here.
If a parent or student cannot login to Firefly, then please email helpdeskit@shoreham-academy.org
Student username for Firefly is their email address and password is their 'Shoreham password' which is their school network password.
How to scan in pages from books/files using OneDrive app
How To Respond to a Task in Firefly
There are further walkthroughs and guides available in the Learning+ Guides area of Firefly
Please note Firefly have released a parent 'app' which should work on most devices. Search for ‘firefly for parents’ The school code is ‘shoreham’. This should allow you to view key information about your child (children) on your smartphone using your current PP login. (When activating your account for the first time you may need to check your junk folder in your email program.