Year 9 Options Evening
Tim Harkins
/ Categories: News
Thursday 9th March (5.00pm – 7.30pm)
Year 9 Options Evening: Wednesday 9th March 2022
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our Year 9 Options Evening; one of the most significant events in your son/daughter’s education to date. For most students, choosing courses to study in Years 10 and 11 should be a very exciting time, for others it may seem a little daunting but hopefully for all our students it will be both thought provoking and well-timed. Our aim at Shoreham Academy is to fully support you and your child throughout this process by providing as much information, guidance and balanced professional opinion for you and your son/daughter to confidently make the most appropriate option preferences.
Your son/daughter will have this phase of the options process explained to them in more detail during an assembly on PSHCe day on 8th March. Students will receive an options booklet for you to work through with them before the Options Evening. Information can be found on the Parents’ section on our website and students will be sent key resources via Firefly. The official Options Preference Form will be available on our website on 9th March to allow students plenty of time to carefully consider their choices.
The Options evening event will include two identical presentations to provide flexibility and prevent overlapping. The important presentations that explain the option process will be made by myself and Mr K Felton, Assistant Principal. You and your child should attend one. This first presentation will start at 5:30 pm in the main hall. The second identical presentation will be repeated at 6:30 also in the main hall. After the presentation, parents and students can visitsubject areas, where subject teachers will be available to answer any questions. In addition, we would also encourage parents and students to e-mail staff with specific questions you or your child may have regarding subject option preferences if you need more information.
I hope that you will be able to attend this exciting and important event, however, if you are unable to do so but would like further assistance, we will share a copy of the presentation and place this on the website. Please feel free to contact Mr Felton via email at any time ( or visit the parents’ section of the website.
Jim Coupe, Principal