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Year 8 Parent Information Evening

Tim Harkins / Categories: News, Events

New information evening for all parents of students in Year 8

Dear parent/carer of student in Year 8 

This year we are holding a year 8 information evening and we invite you to attend on Tuesday 10th September. This will take place in the main hall and will begin at 6.30pm. As you know parking is often busy at the academy so please arrive early to ensure that you have time to find a seat before the presentations begin. 

The aim of this evening is to provide you with the important information that you need in in order to support your child over the course of the year. We will cover a wide range of areas including

1.       Progress and attainment

2.       Homework and revision

3.       Pastoral care and wellbeing

4.       Calendar and events 

Students are strongly encouraged to attend with their parents. 

We look forward to welcoming you on this evening

Martin Sacree 

Senior Vice Principal 
