Tough Runner 2020
Tim Harkins
/ Categories: News, Events
Friday 27th March 2020

Dear Tough Runner Competitor & Fundraiser,
Thank you for those who have signed up to this year’s Tough Runner 2020! We hope you are beginning to plan and design your Olympic themed fancy dress costumes and raising sponsorship money.
This year we have decided to split the money raised 50/50. 50% of the total will go towards Sport Relief. To date Sport Relief has raised over £1 billion. Sport Relief inspires the nation to raise life changing amounts of money and take on some of the world’s most pressing problems through the power of sport. When we fundraise for Sport Relief, we support those living with mental health issues and provide lifesaving maternal healthcare for mothers and babies. We help those at risk of trafficking or domestic violence and join the global fight to end malaria. Sport Relief uses the money we raise to support projects on the ground, here in the UK and across the world.
The other 50% will go directly back into our school towards our FOSA charity. FOSA is made up of our academy teachers, parents and carers.
FOSA has 3 main key aims;
To positively promote Shoreham Academy through Community partnerships.
To help raise funds for the benefits of the students at Shoreham Academy.
To act as a liaison between other parents and teachers of general school matters.
Before you take part in this exciting event, you must do the following things:
By signing up and paying £5 entry fee on Parentpay, this is automatic consent from your parent/guardian for you to take part
Download your sponsorship form from Firefly and begin collecting sponsors
Prepare and design your costumes
Make your pledge to try and raise a minimum of £20.20 #challenge2020 and submit your sponsorship money on Parentpay after you have completed the event.
Course maps will be released after half term with your heat start times. Please keep an eye on the board in the PE corridor, screens and mentor messages.
Parents, as you may be aware, your son/daughter has shown an interest in signing up to take part in the Shoreham Academy Tough Runner course. The event will be held after school on Friday 27th March 2020. In brief the course (held at Shoreham Academy, with some offsite activities at the local fire station) is an endurance event (2020m) with some physically challenging & risky obstacles. During the course your son/daughter may get muddy, wet or painted with colour, therefore please encourage them to wear old footwear and clothing. By paying your son/daughter’s entry fee on ParentPay, this is your consent for your son/daughter to take part.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: Parents are also very much welcome to either enter a team or come down and support. Again, if you wish to take part please contact Mrs Dunsdon.
Keeping the event safe is our main priority, therefore the use of volunteers to help marshal the event is crucial. If you would like to help please contact or download a marshal letter from Firefly.
Finally, this year we are actively looking for a sponsor for our event. Is this something you would like to support or do you know a local business keen to be involved? To find out more or register your interest please contact:
Thank you & Good luck,
Mrs Dunsdon and the PE Team