Tough Runner 2019
Tim Harkins
/ Categories: News, Events
It's back and bigger than ever!

Tough Runner Competitor & Fundraisers
Thank you for those who have signed up to this year’s Tough Runner! We hope you are beginning to plan and design your fancy dress costumes and raising sponsorship money. Remember this year’s costume is, ‘SUPERHEROS’.
This year we have decided to give you the choice to select from three local charities: Rocking Horse, Chestnut Tree House or Shoreham Foodbank. You will be given the opportunity to vote in your school’s assembly. Once the chosen charity is confirmed, all students and parents will be made aware of this.
Before you take part in this exciting event, you must do the following things:
1. By signing up and paying £5 entry fee on parentpay this is automatic consent from your parent/guardian for you to take part
2. Download your sponsorship form from firefly (resources – sport) and begin collecting sponsors
3. Prepare and design your costumes
4. Submit your sponsorship money on PARENTPAY after you have completed the event.
Course maps will be released over the next month with your heat start times. Please keep an eye on the board in the PE corridor and screens.
Please show the following message to your parent / carer:
Parents and carers, as you may be aware, your son/daughter has shown an interest in signing up to take part in the Shoreham Academy Tough Runner course. The event will be held after school on Friday 29th March 2019. In brief the course (held at Shoreham Academy, with some offsite activities at the local fire station) is an endurance event with some physically challenging & risky obstacles. During the course your son/daughter may get muddy, wet or painted with colour, therefore please encourage them to wear old footwear and clothing. Please sign below to give consent for your son/daughter to take part. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: Parents are also very much welcome to either enter a team or come down and support. Again, if you wish to take part please contact Mrs Dunsdon. Finally, keeping the event safe is our main priority, therefore the use of volunteers to help marshal the event is crucial. If you would like to help please contact or download a marshal letter from firefly.
Thank you & Good luck,
Mrs Dunsdon and the PE Team
To give permission for your son/daughter to take part in the Shoreham Academy Tough Runner event at school on Friday 29th March you must make a £5 entry fee on parent pay, clearly identifying their team name. Students must download the sponsorship form from firefly. All sponsohip money must be paid via parent pay after the event. The school will not be dealing with any cash.
Sponsor Form
Marshal Form