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Student September Return & Induction Details

Tim Harkins / Categories: News

September start dates for students:

Monday 7th September:

Years 7 – arrival from 8am for 8.30am induction assembly during P1. Mentor time P2. Timetabled lessons for the rest of the day to include computer log in sessions

Year 11 – arrival from 10.30am for 10.50am induction assembly during P3 followed by 20min mentor time slot. Timetabled lessons P5 and P6.

Year 13 – induction assembly 9am – 10am only, no lessons

Tuesday 8th:

Year 7 and 11 timetabled lessons all day

Year 10 – arrival from 8am for 8.30am induction assembly during P1. Timetabled lessons from P2

Year 12 - induction assembly 9am – 10am only, no lessons

Wednesday 9th

Year 7, 10 and 11 timetabled lessons all day

Year 8 - arrival from 8am for 8.30am induction assembly during P1. Timetabled lessons from P2

Year 12 - induction assembly 9am – 10am only, no lessons

Thursday 10th

Year 7,8,10,11,12,13 timetabled lessons all day.

Year 9 - arrival from 8am for 8.30am induction assembly during P1. Timetabled lessons from P2

Friday 11th

Timetabled lessons all day for all year groups

A further live event for parents will be scheduled for Thursday 3rd September - Further Details to be sent later this week. 

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