Start of Term Arrangements
Tim Harkins
/ Categories: News
Year Group Staggered Starts
On Friday 3rd we will contact all parents with first weekly email with full details of return to school including plans for testing in first few days of term.
- Monday 6th September – Year 7, 11 (Normal school start time). Year 13 for an induction assembly.
- Tuesday 7th September – Year 10 (Normal school start time). Half of Year 12 for an induction assembly.
- Wednesday 8th September – Year 8 and 9 (Normal school start time). Half of Year 12 for an induction assembly.
- Thursday 9th September all year groups in school at normal school time.
Note: Year 12 and Year 13 will have received communication directly from the sixth form team.
ICT Notice - We are working on issue with Firefly currently for students. All parents will need to reset their passwords to be able to access their accounts.