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Sixth Form ‘Virtual’ Open Evening Event

Tim Harkins / Categories: News, Events

Thursday 12th November 6PM

Virtual Open Evening: 12 November 2020 Recording

FAO Year 11 Parents/Carers

Parents and prospective students can view a recording of our live open event.  This provides an opportunity to find out more about Shoreham Sixth Form.

Link to recording of event: CLICK HERE 

What can I expect on the recording?

The recording lasts approximately 1 hour and includes a presentation from the sixth form team and information on joining the sixth form and the options process and meeting students who shared their experience and provided advice.

The event kickstarts the opportunity to browse our virtual prospectus & explore subjects that students would like to study and find out more about our excellent performance academies exclusively available to Shoreham sixth form students. We will also provide key contact details of our teachers who will be very keen to connect with prospective students and their parents.

If there are any questions you were unable to ask during the event please e-mail sixth.form@shoreham-academy.org and we will get back to you. 

Can I visit Shoreham Academy?

If you would like a tour of the Academy and sixth form, we can arrange this with you. The tours will take place after Shoreham students have departed the academy for the day. We will be in contact after the lockdown period is finished. 

Please contact sixth.form@shoreham-academy.org

Many thanks

Jim Coupe, Kieran Felton & Susie Brooks

Shoreham Academy Sixth Form Leadership


Please click here 

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